What are cookies ?

Cookies are small pieces of data, stored in text files, that are stored on your computer or other device when websites are loaded in a browser. They are widely used to “remember” you and your preferences, either for a single visit (through a “session cookie”) or for multiple repeat visits (using a “persistent cookie”). They ensure a consistent and efficient experience for visitors, and perform essential functions such as allowing users to register and remain logged in. Cookies may be set by the website that you are visiting (known as “first party cookies”), or by third parties, such as those who serve content or provide advertising or analytics services on the website (“third party cookies”). Both websites and HTML emails may also contain other tracking technologies such as “web beacons” or “pixels.” These are typically small transparent images that provide us with statistics, for similar purposes as cookies. They are often used in conjunction with cookies, though they are not stored on your computer in the same way. As a result, if you disable cookies, web beacons may still load, but their functionality will be restricted.

In compliance with what is indicated in the Act of the Italian Data Protection Authority of 8 May 2014 "Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" (hereinafter, "Act"), for cookies installed from third parties, the disclosure obligations and, if the conditions are met, of consent are imposed on the third parties; the owner of the website, as a technical intermediary between third parties and users, is required to include in the extended information the updated links to the information and the consent forms of the third parties.

Based on the purpose, cookies are divided into technical cookies and profiling cookies.

Technical cookies are installed for the sole purpose of "carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communication network, or as strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide such service "(see art. 122, co. 1, of Legislative Decree 196/2003 - the so-called Privacy Code - as amended by Legislative Decree 69/2012).

They are normally installed by the owner or operator of the website and are divided into:

-       navigation cookies or session cookies, required for normal navigation and use of the website (such as to make a purchase or to authenticate for access to restricted areas);

-       analytic cookies, used by the website operator to collect aggregate information on the number of users and how they visit the website;

-       feature cookies, that allow the user to browse according to a number of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in order to improve the experience of browsing the website.

Some of these cookies (called essential or strictly necessary) enable functions without which it would not be possible to perform some operations.

In compliance with the aforementioned art. 122, co. 1, Privacy Code, cookies of this type do not require the prior consent of the users.

Technical cookies are assimilated (and, therefore, as specified in the Act, for their installation, the consent of the users is not required, nor are further regulatory requirements) to the so-called Analytic cookies if created and used directly by the first party website manager (without, therefore, the intervention of third parties) for the purpose of optimizing it to collect aggregate information on the number of users and how they visit the website, as well as analytic cookies created and made available by third parties and used by the first party website for mere statistical purposes, if, among other things, suitable tools are adopted to reduce the identifying power of the analytic cookies they use (for example, by masking significant portions of IP address).

Profiling Cookies are used to track user browsing, analyze his/her behavior for marketing purposes and create user profiles based on personal choices and preferences, in order to send adverts in line with the profile created.

These cookies can be installed on the user device only if he/she has given his/her consent in the manner indicated in the Act. Based on their duration, cookies are divided into persistent cookies, which remain stored, until their expiration, on the user device unless removed by the latter, and session cookies, which are not stored permanently on the user device and disappear when the browser is closed.

Which cookies are used in the website owned by the Lombardy Region?


This website uses technical cookies, installed by the website itself in order to monitor the operation of the website and to allow an efficient navigation on it. These cookies are strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the website or to allow the use of the contents and services requested by the user. In accordance with art. 122 of the Code for the protection of personal data and the provision of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data relating to the "Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of 8 May 2014, published in the Official Gazette no. 126 of 3 June 2014, it is possible to install on the user browser technical cookies which are essential for the proper functioning of a website, as well as third-party analytic cookies, similar to technical cookies when used directly by the website operator to collect aggregate informationon the number of users and on how they visit the website itself, without prejudice to the disclosure obligation in compliance with art. 13 of the Legislative Decree 196/2013, information updated and provided pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679. This website uses, among third-party cookies similar to technical ones, the analytic cookies of IBM in order to statistically analyze the accesses or visits to the website itself and allow the owner to improve its structure, navigation logics and contents. These cookies, suitably anonymized (e.g. by masking the IP address), allow the collection of aggregate information on the number of users and how they visit the website without being able to identify the individual user.

While browsing this website, third-party cookies may be installed on the user device. Some features (such as the vocalization of content and the display of videos), in fact, are created using third-party services, which produce technical cookies.

The third parties involved, the type of cookie and the link to the specific cookie policy are shown below.

Social network cookies - This portal allows users to share related content on social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter) by directly accessing the websites of the aforementioned social networks.

Any cookies could therefore be installed on these websites (and not on this portal). Lombardy Region is not aware of the purpose of any cookies installed by the aforementioned social networks on their websites.

In order to allow users to understand the methods and purposes of the processing of user information by third parties, the following links are provided to the privacy policies and cookie policies of the third parties involved:

Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation - https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/

Twitterhttps://twitter.com/privacy?lang=it - https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170519#

Neither first nor third party profiling cookies are used on this website.

Is it possible to disable cookies?

By default, almost all web browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. Users can still change the default configuration through the settings of the browser, which allow you to delete / remove all or some cookies or block the sending of cookies or limit it to certain websites.

Disabling or blocking or deleting cookies could compromise the optimal use of some areas of the website, prevent some features, and affect the operation of third-party services.

The configuration of cookie management depends on the browser used. Below are the links to the guides for managing the cookies of the main browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer

From "Tools" select "Internet Options". In the pop-up window select "Privacy" and set the cookies settings or via the links:

Google Chrome

Select "Settings", then "Show advanced settings", then in the "Privacy" section select "Content Settings" and set the cookie settings or access via the links:

Apple Safari

Select "Preferences" and then "Security" where you can set the cookies settings or access via the link:


Select "Preferences", "Advanced" and then "Cookies" to set the cookie settings or access via the links:

Browser nativo AndroidSelect "Settings", then "Privacy" and select or deselect the "Accept cookies" box.


For browsers other than those listed above, it is necessary to consult the guide to identify how to manage cookies.